
Before starting make sure Pincer is installed. See Installing.

Basic on_ready bot

For a basic bot, creating a Client class works well.

from time import perf_counter
from pincer import Client

client = Client("TOKEN")

async def on_ready():
        print(f"Logged in as {client.bot} after {perf_counter()} seconds.")


Inheriting from Client

Inheriting from Client allows more flexibility and enables advance usage for a bot.

from time import perf_counter
from pincer import Client

class Bot(Client):
        def __init__(self, token):
                super(Bot, self).__init__(token)

        async def on_ready(self):
                print(f"Logged in as {self.bot} after {perf_counter()} seconds.")

bot = Bot("TOKEN")

Implementing Slash Commands

Using slash commands is as easy as adding the command() decorator on a function and using Python annotations to specify the argument types. Available types are as follows:

  • str - String

  • int - Integer

  • bool - Boolean

  • float - Number

  • pincer.objects.User - User

  • pincer.objects.Channel - Channel

  • pincer.objects.Role - Role

  • Mentionable is not implemented

from pincer import Client, command

class Bot(Client):
        @command(description="Add two numbers!")
        async def add(self, first: int, second: int):
                return f"The addition of `{first}` and `{second}` is `{first + second}`"

Sending private messages

See Message for more.

from pincer import Client, command, Message

class Bot(Client):
        @command(description="Sends a DM to the user.")
        async def private_say(self, message: str):
                return Message(message, flags=InteractionFlags.EPHEMERAL)

Sending Embeds

See Embed for more

from pincer import Client, command, Embed

class Bot(Client):
        @command(description="Pincer Informational Embed")
        async def an_embed(self, message: str):
                return Embed(
                                "🚀 An asynchronous python API wrapper meant to replace"
                                " discord.py\n> Snappy discord api wrapper written "
                                "with aiohttp & websockets"
                        name="**Github Repository**",
                        value="> https://github.com/Pincer-org/Pincer"